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Collection of Work Packs

In order to support your child to learn at home, we are again, offering for you to collect a work pack to cover two weeks’ worth of learning on Monday 8th June. If your child is in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 or Year 6 and has a place confirmed for being in school from the 8th June, you will not need to collect a work pack.

You will need to arrive at the small hall, where you will be directed to a table to collect your child’s pack.


If you have more than one child in different year groups, you will be able to collect them together.

Monday 8th June

Nursery  - 9:30am – 9:40am
Reception - 9:40am – 9:50am
Year 1 - 9:50am – 10am
Year 2 - 10am – 10:10am
Year 3 - 10:10am – 10:20am
Year 4 - 10:20am – 10:30am
Year 5 - 10:30am – 10:40am
Year 6 - 10:40am – 10:50am