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Lockdown Learning Week 2

We have had another successful week here at Smith’s Wood, where our pupils are taking part in a range of ways to engage with learning.
Mr Meers’ PE lessons went live via zoom for our remote learners to access high quality provision whilst at home, which was met with an overwhelming attendance by pupils in Reception - Year 3.
In Year 2, Disney day was a resounding success with fantastic participation from our in school bubble and our home learners.  It was wonderful to see the children dressed as their favourite characters throughout the day linked to their topic A Whole New World.
Year 5 turned their hands to improving their culinary skills by cooking a Chicken Balti, carefully slicing chicken and learning the importance of meal preparation and hygiene.

A huge thank you to all the support you have offered to the school over the few past weeks it is greatly appreciated.  This has helped us to provide high quality provision to both home learners and the children in school.

For more fantastic pictures from our second week please see our gallery