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End of Year Party

On the last day of term (Wednesday 21st July) we would like the children to take part in an end of year party. It has unfortunately been another unusual and disrupted academic school year, but as ever, the children of Smith’s Wood Academy have coped brilliantly with the changes and made us all proud with their resilience and attitude to their learning.

The parties will take place in class bubbles as we are maintaining class bubbles for the remainder of the term. Children are welcome to bring in a board game (no electronics) in a named bag to share with their friends during the party. Please note that whilst the children will be supervised please do not send in expensive or precious board games in case of them accidently becoming damaged.

Please can you also send in your child with a sealed plate (or tupperware) of party food for them to enjoy at the party. In previous years we have asked for an item of food to create a class buffet, however we are still keen to minimise sharing between children, and for hygienic purposes will not be allowing children to share items of food. This will also ensure that children who have food allergies will be catered for, as children will only consume the food they have brought in for themselves.

The parties will take place for Nursery during their normal session, and during the afternoon for the rest of the school. Please note that Year 6 will have their own different end of school party and those plans have been communicated directly to Year 6 parents.