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Pupil of the Week

Each week, we celebrate our ‘Pupils of the Week’ from each year group. Pupils can be recognised for this weekly award for a variety of reasons. They may have excelled in a particular subject through the week; may have shown one, or more, of the school values in abundance, or they may have impressed their teacher, or other staff members with a huge amount of effort. Whatever they are nominated for, they are recognised in the whole school achievement assembly, receive a certificate to take home and get to wear one of our prestigious black and gold t-shirts.

Well done to our ‘Pupil of the Week’ winners this week:

Kyra-Lee - RHP

Kylo - RPM

Daniel - 1ERS

Dexter – 1SG

Sofia - 2CP

Willow – 2CS

Sophia - 3JC

Olly - 3LB

Alexandra – 4BB

Amy – 4MH

Morgan – 5ES

Megan - 5NW

Tyler - 6AM

Courtney - 6RO

Jessica – 6ST