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Purpose of the Curriculum

The curriculum is based on three core themes within which there will be a broad overlap and flexibility. The theme of British Values will run through all core themes:

  • Relationships
  • Health and Well Being
  • Living in the wider world

These core themes build upon Early Years Foundation stage learning and reflect universal needs shared by children and specific needs of children in the school. It is taught as a spiral programme, revisiting themes, increasing the level of challenge, broadening scope and deepening pupils thinking.

The purpose of the PSHE curriculum at Smith’s Wood Primary academy is: 

  • Provide pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future
  • Develop the qualities and attributes needed to thrive as individuals, family members, members of the school community and members of society
  • Give pupils the knowledge, skills, understanding and strategies they need to lead responsible, confident, healthy, and productive lives
  • Provide opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary challenge, their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities
  • Inspire pupils to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning.
  • Allow time for pupils to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up
  • Develop an understanding and respect for our common humanity, diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.
  • Create an understanding that rules are important for keeping ourselves and others safe and healthy
  • Build pupils knowledge and understanding of the effects and risks of using drugs and alcohol through enquiry and research.

Aim of the Curriculum

By the end of each Key stage at Smith’s Wood Primary Academy, all pupils should be able to:

At the end of Key Stage 1


  • Identify and name some feelings.
  • Interpret facial expressions.
  • Express some of their own positive qualities.
  • Demonstrate that they can manage some feelings in a positive and effective way.
  • They begin to share their views and opinions.
  • They can set themselves simple goals.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Make simple choices about some aspects of their health and well-being
  • Know what keeps them healthy
  • Explain ways of keeping clean
  • Name the main parts of the body
  • Talk about the harmful aspects of some household products and medicines
  • Describe ways of keeping safe in familiar situations
  • They can explain that people grow from young to old.

Living in the wider world

  • Recognise that bullying is wrong
  • List some ways to get help in dealing with bullying
  • Recognise the effect of their behavior on other people cooperate with others
  • Identify and respect differences and similarities between people
  • Explain different ways that family and should care for one another

British Values

At the end of Key Stage 2


  • Recognise their own worth and that of others
  • Express their views confidently
  • Listen to and show respect for the views of others.
  • Identify positive ways to face new challenges
  • Discuss some of the bodily and emotional changes at puberty, and can demonstrate some ways of dealing with these in a positive way.
  • Talk about a range of jobs, and explain how they will develop skills to work in the future.
  • They can demonstrate how to look after and save money.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Make choices about how to develop healthy lifestyles
  • Identify some factors that affect emotional health and well-being
  • Make judgments and decisions and list some ways of resisting negative peer pressure around issues affecting their health and wellbeing.
  • List the commonly available substances and drugs that are legal and illegal, and can describe some of the effects and risks of these.
  • Identify and explain how to manage the risks in different familiar situations

Living in the Wider World

  • Explain how their actions have consequences for themselves and others.
  • Describe the nature and consequences of bullying, and can express ways of responding to it.
  • Identify different types of relationship
  • Show ways to maintain good relationships
  • Respond to, or challenge, negative behaviors such as stereotyping and aggression.
  • Describe some of the different beliefs and values in society
  • Demonstrate respect and tolerance towards people different from themselves. 

British Values *    

  • The Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs 


PSHE Curriculum Implementation

PSHE Skills and Knowledge Progression Document