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Reading Curriculum Intent


At Smith’s Wood Primary, reading is taught through all subjects. In the Foundation Stage, reading is taught explicitly in Phonics and Literacy lessons. From Years 1 -6 pupils have a daily Guided Reading lesson. These lessons teach pupils to fluently read both short and extended texts. Texts are chosen to encourage pupils to develop culturally, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and socially. All classes have the opportunity to visit the library on a regular basis. In Foundation Stage, pupils hear and experience a story being read on daily basis to build up their bank of stories.


There are a wide range of incentives to encourage pupils to read at home and further their love of reading. Home reading is carefully monitored and rewarded on a half termly basis. Examples of rewards include stickers, book marks, small prizes all the way up to selecting their own book to take home.


Our reading curriculum provides children with the opportunity to broaden their vocabulary, engage with a variety of text types (fiction, non-fiction and poetry). In addition to this, pupils will have the opportunity to learn how to read fluently with a clear understanding of the text. Children learn the skills required to answer a range of questions about a text. Also, an understanding of the grammar and linguistic conventions they meet in a text. Furthermore, they develop the habit of reading for pleasure a vital life skill. Our reading curriculum aims to engage pupils with examples of texts that celebrate our rich and varied literacy heritage.


Reading Skills and Knowledge Progression Document