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Page 9

  • Weekly Attendance​​​​​​​

    Published 14/06/24

    Our overall attendance this week was 94.8%

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  • Maths Fair

    Published 10/06/24

    Last week, Year 6 planned an activity/stall to host in order to raise money for their Year 6 production. This money goes towards our costumes and props for the performance at the end of the year. Throughout the week, our Year 6 children learnt about money management and how important profit margins are. It was a fantastic event where children from Reception to Year 5 all had a go, and we raised just under £200! 

    For more pictures, please see our gallery

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  • Year 5 Dovedale Trip

    Published 07/06/24

    This week, Year 5 visited Dovedale in the Peak District as part of our rivers topic.  We climbed Thorpe Cloud and enjoyed the glorious views across the valley.  We then followed the river Dove and learnt where its source is as well as where its confluence is (the River Trent). The children enjoyed the fantastic landscapes and scenery and had the chance to experience the English countryside in all its glory. 

    For more pictures from the trip, please see our gallery

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  • Pupils of the Week

    Published 07/06/24

    Each week, during our Friday Achievement assembly, we celebrate our ‘Pupils of the Week’ from each year group. Pupils are recognised for this weekly award for a variety of reasons and are nominated by their class teacher. They may have excelled in a particular subject through the week; may have shown one, or more, of the school values in abundance, or they may have impressed their teacher, or other staff members with a huge amount of effort. Whatever they are nominated for, they are recognised in the whole school achievement assembly, receive a certificate to take home and get to wear one of our prestigious black and gold t-shirts. 
    During the assembly, we also celebrate children who have 100% attendance for the week and have been in school every day on time. A lucky dip, of all children who are eligible takes place, and one pupil walks away with £5 to spend on whatever they want, Standards and presentation of a child’s book, chosen at random, are also reviewed and celebrated with the school and the child, whose book has been chosen, has the chance to win a dip out of the basket of goodies, as long as they have used their best handwriting every day, completed their feed forward marking and taken care in the presentation of their date and learning objective. We are extremely proud of all of the efforts of our pupils and the Friday Achievement assembly recognises this pride. 

    Our weekly winners this week are:

    Lacey - REB

    Tiegan - ROT

    Frankie - RPM

    Martha - 1RW

    Olivia - 1SG

    Coral - 2CS

    Evie - 2HS

    Taylor - 3MC

    Hargun - 3NW

    Ella - 4BB

    Alfie - 4JC

    Riley - 5KG

    Sophie - 5LH

    Olivia - 6ES

    Logan - 6LB

    Lois - 6ST

    Book Look Winner - Olly - 5KG

    Attendance Hero - Joy - 1SG

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  • Weekly Attendance

    Published 07/06/24

    Our overall attendance this week was 94.8%

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  • It's All Greek to Them

    Published 05/06/24

    On Monday 3rd June, we kickstarted our new term and new topic with an Ancient Greek-themed day! The children dressed up as ancient Greeks and completed lots of different learning. We solved a Greek treasure map in Maths, learnt about Spartan soldiers and what their school might look like and created a Spartan soldier contract. In the afternoon, we made our own Greek clay pots, considering what designs and patterns we wanted to use, and what shape we wanted our pots to be. 

    For more pictures from the day, please see our gallery.

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  • Smith's Wood in Paris!

    Published 03/06/24

    In the week before half term, some of our Year 6 children were lucky enough to go on residential to Paris! They left school super early on Tuesday 21st May for a long journey across the channel to stay at The Explorers hotel in Paris. When the children arrived, they visited Disney village to spend some of their money before returning to the hotel for food and swimming. On Wednesday, they travelled into Paris city centre and went on a boat cruise down the River Seine, looking at all of the main attractions on their way before having lunch underneath the Eiffel Tower. They then climbed the 674 steps to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower and explored the view from the top too! Thursday took us to Disneyland, where all the children (and adults!) enjoyed a day of thrill-seeking rides, watching the parade of Disney characters and staying late for the drone light show. On Thursday, they also had dinner at Billy Bob's buffet! It is safe to say that all of the children had a fantastic time, and came back with incredible memories of Paris too!

    For more pictures from the trip, please see our gallery

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  • Simply the Best!

    Published 03/06/24

    The best performing primary schools in Solihull have been ranked based on the latest academic attainment data.

    We are happy to announce that Smith's Wood Primary Academy has been ranked no 1 amongst all schools in Solihull!

    The overall score takes into consideration the average marks and the percentage of pupils achieving at a higher standard and the overall percentage of pupils at the schools achieving their expected standard.

    For more details, please see the full article here

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  • Pupils of the Week

    Published 24/05/24

    Each week, during our Friday Achievement assembly, we celebrate our ‘Pupils of the Week’ from each year group. Pupils are recognised for this weekly award for a variety of reasons and are nominated by their class teacher. They may have excelled in a particular subject through the week; may have shown one, or more, of the school values in abundance, or they may have impressed their teacher, or other staff members with a huge amount of effort. Whatever they are nominated for, they are recognised in the whole school achievement assembly, receive a certificate to take home and get to wear one of our prestigious black and gold t-shirts. 
    During the assembly, we also celebrate children who have 100% attendance for the week and have been in school every day on time. A lucky dip, of all children who are eligible takes place, and one pupil walks away with £5 to spend on whatever they want, Standards and presentation of a child’s book, chosen at random, are also reviewed and celebrated with the school and the child, whose book has been chosen, has the chance to win a dip out of the basket of goodies, as long as they have used their best handwriting every day, completed their feed forward marking and taken care in the presentation of their date and learning objective. We are extremely proud of all of the efforts of our pupils and the Friday Achievement assembly recognises this pride. 

    Our weekly winners this week are:

    Vinnie - REB

    Skyla-Mai - ROT

    Solomon - RPM

    Tesshanna - 1RW

    Autumn-Rose - 1SG

    Oliver - 2CS

    Malakai - 2HS

    Kaylonni - 3MC

    Mia - 3NW

    Caiden - 4BB

    Lily - 4JC

    Olly - 5KG

    Lexi - 5LH

    Thomas - 6ES

    Gracie - 6LB

    Thomas - 6ST

    Book Look Winner - Hollie - 6ES

    Attendance Hero - Blessyn - RPM

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  • Year 6's Magical Memory Moments!

    Published 24/05/24

    This week pupils fully immersed themselves in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Children were placed under the sorting hat and sorted into their own Hogwarts Houses! In these Houses they: competed in a Tri-Wizard Tournament and participated in a magical game of Quidditch! They also had the opportunity to make their own Butter Beer and Fudge Flies! A memorable week for all the young Witches and Wizards!

    For more pictures from the week, please see our gallery

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  • Weekly Attendance

    Published 24/05/24

    Our overall attendance this week was 92.2%

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  • Year 6 and the Wonderful World of Wizardry!

    Published 23/05/24

    Yesterday our Year 6s took a spellbinding trip down to Warner Bros Studio Tour London - the making of Harry Potter. We immersed ourselves into all things magical: exploring the real sets, real props and real magic seen in the film series. Year 6 had time to explore the Forbidden Forest, the Hogwarts Express and even Diagon Alley!! Mischief definitely managed!!

    For more pictures from the trip, please see our gallery

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