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  • The vicious Vikings conquer in Y4!

    Published 26/09/24

    On Tuesday 24th September, Vikings travelled from Denmark, Sweden and Norway to conquer the classrooms in Year 4. Children came dressed as vicious Vikings, where they embarked on a variety of Viking themed activities. In Maths, they used their coordinate skills to identify where dragons were on a map of Europe, in Guided Reading they wrote their names in runes and then in Literacy they became Viking kings and queens who created their own Viking laws and punishments. In the afternoon, children created their own Viking shields before creating their own longboats ready for their first voyage!

    For more pictures from the day, please see our gallery

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  • Pupils of the Week

    Published 20/09/24

    Each week, during our Friday Achievement assembly, we celebrate our ‘Pupils of the Week’ from each year group. Pupils are recognised for this weekly award for a variety of reasons and are nominated by their class teacher. They may have excelled in a particular subject through the week; may have shown one, or more, of the school values in abundance, or they may have impressed their teacher, or other staff members with a huge amount of effort. Whatever they are nominated for, they are recognised in the whole school achievement assembly, receive a certificate to take home and get to wear one of our prestigious black and gold t-shirts. 
    During the assembly, we also celebrate children who have 100% attendance for the week and have been in school every day on time. A lucky dip, of all children who are eligible takes place, and one pupil walks away with £5 to spend on whatever they want, Standards and presentation of a child’s book, chosen at random, are also reviewed and celebrated with the school and the child, whose book has been chosen, has the chance to win a dip out of the basket of goodies, as long as they have used their best handwriting every day, completed their feed forward marking and taken care in the presentation of their date and learning objective. We are extremely proud of all of the efforts of our pupils and the Friday Achievement assembly recognises this pride. 

    Our weekly winners this week are:

    Poppy - 1RW

    Jake - 1JC

    Leo - 2HS

    Godwin - 2SG

    Octavia - 3MC

    Oliver - 3NW

    Kez'roi - 4BB

    Nevaeh - 4HA

    Tom - 5LH

    Willow - 5KG

    Bradley - 6ES

    Lucy - 6LB

    Lucy - 6ST

    Book Look Winner - Eli - 4HA

    Attendance Hero - Cairn Rhys - 3MC

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  • Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Dodge!

    Published 20/09/24

    A win, deserved! Dodgeballs falling like rain

    Year 6 dodging like a man insane

    No one stood still, but what a thrill!

    Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Dodge!

    Last night, Year 6 graced the hall with their dodgeball prowess for our first House Dodgeball competition of the new academic year, showing off not only their athletic skills but also their wonderful house values of determination, perseverance and friendship. Despite a tough battle, Spider house emerged victorious! Well done to all houses that competed. For more pictures from the competition, please see our gallery

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  • Weekly Attendance​​​​​​​

    Published 20/09/24

    Our overall attendance this week was 94.7%

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  • Pupils of the Week

    Published 13/09/24

    Each week, during our Friday Achievement assembly, we celebrate our ‘Pupils of the Week’ from each year group. Pupils are recognised for this weekly award for a variety of reasons and are nominated by their class teacher. They may have excelled in a particular subject through the week; may have shown one, or more, of the school values in abundance, or they may have impressed their teacher, or other staff members with a huge amount of effort. Whatever they are nominated for, they are recognised in the whole school achievement assembly, receive a certificate to take home and get to wear one of our prestigious black and gold t-shirts. 
    During the assembly, we also celebrate children who have 100% attendance for the week and have been in school every day on time. A lucky dip, of all children who are eligible takes place, and one pupil walks away with £5 to spend on whatever they want, Standards and presentation of a child’s book, chosen at random, are also reviewed and celebrated with the school and the child, whose book has been chosen, has the chance to win a dip out of the basket of goodies, as long as they have used their best handwriting every day, completed their feed forward marking and taken care in the presentation of their date and learning objective. We are extremely proud of all of the efforts of our pupils and the Friday Achievement assembly recognises this pride. 

    Our weekly winners this week are:

    Tiberius - 1RW

    Macie - 1JC

    Saiku - 2HS

    Vienna - 2SG

    Kailen - 3MC

    Amelia - 3NW

    Jesse-James - 4BB

    Keeley - 4HA

    Emilia - 5LH

    Tyler - 5KG

    Tanayah - 6ES

    Autumn-Rose - 6LB

    Ebony - 6ST

    Book Look Winner - Hughie - 2HS

    Attendance Hero - Feranmi - 1JC

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  • Weekly Attendance​​​​​​​

    Published 13/09/24

    Our overall attendance this week was 95.9%

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  • Elmwood Family Hub

    Published 10/09/24

    Please see the attached September timetables from Elmwood Family Hub

    A Family Hub is a place where children, young people and families can go for services, advice and to meet other families. Raising a family, being a parent or carer, or navigating life as a young person can be a challenge, so staff in the hubs can put you in touch with different services in the area.

    Family Hubs are open to everyone and there will always be a safe space available for you if you need it.

    for more information, please contact:

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  • Tally Ho

    Published 10/09/24

    Last week 5LH were invited to attend West Midlands Police 50th Birthday celebrations at Tally Ho training centre in Birmingham.  This linked in with their current Birmingham topic and gave the children a good look at many landmark buildings on the routes. They were lucky enough to enjoy a range of demonstrations from the police force, the fire brigade, the ambulance service and many other departments.

    Group demonstrations taught children how to behave in crowds, the role of police canine units and drones, how to perform CPR and even how to test for fingerprints!

    A great day out for everyone involved. Thank you to the West Midlands Police force for having us!

    For more pictures from the day, please see our gallery

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  • We Are Not Amused

    Published 09/09/24

    On Friday, the Year 6s started off their year by having a Victorian Day. They learnt all about the life of a child in the Victorian era - having their hands checked for dirt before entering the classroom and some children even paying a shilling to come in for the day. Throughout the morning, the children all participated in the 3 Rs (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic), as well as reciting the alphabet backwards! In the afternoon, the children learnt all about Queen Victoria herself before trying out some technical drawing of Osborne House. It was a brilliant day, and all the children were well-behaved! 

    For more pictures from the day, please see our gallery

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  • Pupils of the Week

    Published 06/09/24

    Each week, during our Friday Achievement assembly, we celebrate our ‘Pupils of the Week’ from each year group. Pupils are recognised for this weekly award for a variety of reasons and are nominated by their class teacher. They may have excelled in a particular subject through the week; may have shown one, or more, of the school values in abundance, or they may have impressed their teacher, or other staff members with a huge amount of effort. Whatever they are nominated for, they are recognised in the whole school achievement assembly, receive a certificate to take home and get to wear one of our prestigious black and gold t-shirts. 
    During the assembly, we also celebrate children who have 100% attendance for the week and have been in school every day on time. A lucky dip, of all children who are eligible takes place, and one pupil walks away with £5 to spend on whatever they want, Standards and presentation of a child’s book, chosen at random, are also reviewed and celebrated with the school and the child, whose book has been chosen, has the chance to win a dip out of the basket of goodies, as long as they have used their best handwriting every day, completed their feed forward marking and taken care in the presentation of their date and learning objective. We are extremely proud of all of the efforts of our pupils and the Friday Achievement assembly recognises this pride. 

    Our weekly winners this week are:

    Ousman - 1RW

    M'Kai - 1JC

    Bleu - 2HS

    Matilda - 2SG

    Ellis - 3MC

    Keeyan - 3NW

    Ella - 4BB

    Emma - 4HA

    Ruby-Rose - 5KG

    Summer-Rose - 6ES

    Dexter - 6LB

    Vinny - 6ST

    Book Look Winner - Mila - 4HA

    Attendance Hero - Arianna - 4BB

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  • Weekly Attendance​​​​​​​

    Published 06/09/24

    Our overall attendance this week was 95%

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  • Year 6 Awards

    Published 19/07/24

    Today has been a wonderful and memorable day for Year 6, on their last day at Smith's Wood we like to celebrate all their achievements to date. We are beyond proud of our Year 6 cohort. The class of 2024 have gone above and beyond in all areas. Their perseverance through all that life has thrown at them in recent years is testament to their upbringing and attitude towards the school they have called home for the past 8 years. We wish them well on the next stage of their journey and look forwards to hearing of their successes in the years to come! 

    From Mr Taylor, Miss Boobyer, Miss Shields, Mrs Winters, Miss Rea, Mrs Thornton and all the staff here at Smith's Wood Primary academy.

    Below are our Year 6 awards winners as well as the spectacular awards they have won!

    Oscar - Rocker of the Year award

    Harper-Leigh - The Golden Egg Award

    Lois - Diamond Personality Award

    Alexandra - All Round Excellence Award

    Alexander - The Turner Prize for Attendance

    Amy - Outstanding Effort Award

    Lucy - Outstanding Musician Award

    Gracie - Sporting Achievement Award

    Evie - Outstanding Academic Award

    Blesing - House Point Winner

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