School Dinners
Parents can decide whether their children are to have a school meal or bring a packed lunch. School dinners are currently £2.60 per day and must be paid for in advance via ParentPay. If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals please complete an online application form at
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can have a free school meal through the Universal Free School Meal offer. If you are unsure regarding anything please ask at the school office.
Click here to see the current menu (starting 24th Feb)
Parent Pay
Smiths Wood is a cashless school, everything from water bottles to trips needs to be paid online or at any local shop that displays the PayPoint logo. All new parents will receive an activation letter. It's easy to set up and makes paying more convenient as it is accessible 24 hours a day.
Children are encouraged to drink water during the school day. (note no juice, fizzy drinks etc). At the discretion of the classteacher, children may drink water from suitable bottles during the lesson at appropriate points.
Breakfast Club
A free breakfast club operates from 8.30-8.45 each day. This serves toast, cereals and juice. Places are limited, so please see Laverne O'Reilly if you are interested.